The FitBunch

If this is our first time meeting via social media, Hello! Regardless of whether we’ve met before or not, I appreciate you taking the time to stumble across the FitBunch’s blog. For those unfamiliar, I want to take some time to introduce myself.

First and foremost, a bilateral above-knee amputee. How did I find myself in such a situation? Well, this crazy uterus of my mother’s chewed up my legs! Juuust kidding. If you feel the need to get technical, the specific medical terminology is “tibial dysplasia” – for all practical purposes, I was missing shins when I was born. You’ll hear a lot about this through our journeys.

Secondly, I am an advocate to my amputee peers. The satisfaction attained from seeing an individual with an amputation succeed in any small way, in any one of the many challenges that come with missing a/multiple limb(s), because of something I helped with  – is beyond belief. Through opportunities provided for by Hanger Clinic I am able to continue helping newer amputees become the best they can!

Third, I’m an adaptive athlete. I currently compete in running (both distance and on the track) and sled hockey, and have competed in Paralympic powerlifting as part of the US National Team. I love the spirit of competition and the camaraderie that comes with competing – this can all be sourced back to my high school wrestling career.

Lastly, I am a coach. I have started to differentiate from my career path as a “personal trainer”, and want to continue to provide guidance with people’s health/wellness, as well as their mindsets! Personal trainers have a tendency to yell at you to finish your set before berating you about your nutritional habits, while coaches inspire and motivate as leaders!

What can you look forward to as this blog grows and progresses? Posts about

  • Fitness and nutrition as it pertains to both able-bodied individuals and those with amputations!
  • The everyday problems in the life of an amputee, and how to overcome them!
  • What works to keep myself motivated and inspired to move on in life, even when the chips are down!

Together, we will find inspiration and education in the struggles of our daily lives and personal developments! Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know it was a bit of an introduction. If you would do me the small favor of sharing this blog with even ONE member of your friends or family, it’d mean the world! Thanks again, and I’m looking forward to it!

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